Keizersgracht 62, 1015 CS Amsterdam

Cost and Products

Cost and Products

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Fixed price

Our company develops specific products and pre-defined forms of support to ensure costs are predictable for you and to keep costs limited.

We regularly receive requests to quote a fixed price. This is logical, because it eliminates the risk that the costs later turn out to be disappointing. For us it is important that the course of your case is sufficiently predictable or that the necessary activities can be divided into blocks with clear decision moments. We are happy to explore the possibilities together with you.

Click here for an overview of our standard fixed-price advisory products.

Legal expenses insurance

Many companies and individuals have legal expenses insurance, but the quality of the support offered varies greatly according to our clients. Much of our work is covered by your policy. This gives you the opportunity to ask your legal expenses insurer to let our firm take care of the necessary legal support, including the financial settlement with the insurer.

Legal expenses insurers are obliged to outsource the request for help to a lawyer of your choice, if you explicitly ask for it when you register your request for help/claim. However, all insurers now apply specific conditions relating to policy coverage, insured budget, co-payments and co-payments in the event of free choice of lawyer. We can help you free of charge in obtaining tailor-made agreements with the insurer in question regarding your desired outsourcing.

Group action: share the costs!

HABITAT is excellently equipped for organising and assisting groups. The larger the group, the lower the cost per participant. With HABITAT-COLLECTIVE we take care of the coordination with self-payers and legal aid insurers.

read more about group actions >

Hourly rate

In all other cases we apply the basic hourly rate, without an office expenses surcharge. Usual administrative case handling such as mail processing, quotation work and financial agreements and administration will not be charged.

You can find the basic hourly rates in the HABITAT Terms and Conditions
